2016 In Review

How could I possibly sum up an entire year in a series of words, phrases and paragraphs? It has been by far the most transformative year of my life.

In 2016, I moved into my first real apartment in NYC - a fifth floor walkup where my room barely fits a double bed. 

In 2016, I started a new job - a role that has transformed my understanding of the media business and allowed me to create some incredible content.

In 2016, I traveled to 8 different countries - a list that makes me feel grateful and sparks my desire for further travel even more.

In 2016, I tried new things and said yes to new opportunities - a push beyond my comfort zone that helped me grow into a more confident adult.

In 2016, I met new friends and lost touch with old ones - a lesson that I continue to learn in valuing how you spend your time and who you spend time with.

In 2016, I voted for the woman I truly believed should be president - an experience I reflect on every single day. 

In 2016, I spoke on a podcast, interviewed Michael Phelps, flew to Stockholm by myself for a day, and finished my first triathlon. I took a million yoga classes but still can't touch my toes—and learned to be okay with progress. I laughed so hard I cried, and I cried so hard I could barely breathe. I was scared, excited, brave, timid, and complacent. I went home to Wisconsin, while building a new home in New York, and realized that home isn't a place but a state of mind. I built this website—and built up the confidence to write on it.

So here's to 2017—to another year of adventures and growth.