I'm Back
Has it really been MONTHS since I last updated? It feels like only weeks—though that sense of evaporating time describes summer in New York perfectly. The weather gets warmer, the weekends get busier, and all of a sudden the sun starts to set earlier and we're welcoming another fall with open arms.
What's been happening in my life since I last posted? Well, I moved out of my West Village apartment to crash in the goodness of Park Slope for a while. I launched two new Twitter series at work: Seat of Power and Forbes Flash (both projects in the works for many, many months!). I traveled to Munich, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and California. I finished a half marathon and signed up for a sprint triathlon. And... above all, I did a lot of thinking about what this space can be and even more about what it SHOULD be.
I've never felt the draw to be a 'blogger,' nor do I feel qualified to select a topic and influence others about it. I simply don't know enough about travel, or wellness, or food, or books, to become an expert in an area that I'm passionate about. Instead, I find myself wrapping my identity around the idea of writing as a form of connection—a conversation starter, a sharer of information, a link between those of us around the world who may have little in common but the written word.
I'd like to begin telling bigger stories here—more than what I, a young adult finding herself in NYC can give you as an individual, but as a storyteller. I'm going to pull out the voices who are connecting us, not tearing us apart, because that's the way I like to envision the power of writing.