A Celebration For The Ages

In case it hasn't been clear, I've been again absent from this space as I focused my energy above and beyond at Forbes to prepare for a monumental occasion: our 100th anniversary. It's a regular honor to be a part of the Forbes brand, but to work on sharing a project so historic and important has been a true career moment for me.

So: how did we celebrate? Well, in the social media world, we've been counting down for the anniversary for the past 100 days. That means a special daily quote card, a Snapchat scavenger hunt, and a whole lot of planning among our teams at Forbes to make sure the world saw the amazing content of our centennial issue. 

They did: we launched yesterday with a bang, trending across the U.S. and showing up on the social media accounts of influential people from a variety of industries. As proud as I am of our team for getting the word out there about our 100 Greatest Living Business Minds list, I'm even more proud of the levels of organization it took across the social, video, graphics, edit and PR teams to make sure every little thing was thought of. 

And just in case launching mass amounts of high-quality content wasn't enough for yesterday, we also held our centennial celebration. For me, it was a peak experience in my role as the content manager for our social team, as we seamlessly executed a social plan full of sponsored and editorial coverage with the kind of flair that makes me remember why I love working in social. A 16 hour day felt like nothing compared to the feeling of pride when everything went as planned. Plus, I got to meet Diddy and watch Stevie Wonder perform a duet with Warren Buffett. Chalk that up to a memorable evening!

Long story short, I've been away from sharing my thoughts with the world so I could share some really important people's thoughts with the world—and I don't regret it one bit. But I"ll be back here more often that I have been all summer, and I'm looking forward to it.